Cryptocurrency is reaching out to people, and speculators. Investors are more dedicated participants. A majority of people putting their money on cryptocurrencies are speculators who envision short-term gains and are keen to leverage the enrichment possibilities of the most volatile assets ever.

Investing in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies only wouldn’t make them relevant outside the investment sphere. The deep interest and extra involvement propel this concept beyond the idea of making money and getting ‘rich’.

The idea of sharding is to make a blockchain more efficient by partitioning it into lighter units. These ‘pieces’ of blockchains are known as ‘Shards’.

Double spending is the possibility to interrupt the normal flow of information on the blockchain to enable a user to regain previously spent cryptocurrencies.

From the crypto point of view, it looks like just another bubble but, it is a serious topic for big tech companies. The Metaverse is an important discourse.

Satoshi's vision is a sovereign economy, ruled by the people and designs to work without any central control. It's hard to say if the rest of space agrees.

Tragedy of the third coin is the perils of the cryptocurrency projects struggling to displace the most elite assets.

Non-fungible token (NFT) technology is brilliant. Many potentials in this space, but a few things easily put you off.

Taproot and serenity are the most recent updates to the bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain respectively. Both showcase the top project's strive to get even better.

The bear market hits hard with deep price drops across all boards. The time, it is accompanied by some very unfortunate news. From our diary we write!